How We Are Responding to COVID-19

Thank you as always for choosing Calia.

During this extraordinary time, our customers, our staff,  and our community are the most important thing. As always, shipping your orders carefully and in a timely manner is our highest priority. However, in response to COVID-19, we have added a new priority, which is taking measures to ensure the safety and health of our staff. 

In light of this new challenge, our facility has adapted our operations to run leaner, which ensures our team can maintain a safe physical distance from each other. In addition, our shifts have staggered to allow for fewer people to work at one time so as to allow for adequate physical distancing. This has slowed our production but is vital for the continued safety of our employees. We are still producing all the products we have available, while stock remains available to us. 

In addition, we are: 

  • Encouraging team members to practice social distancing outside of work
  • Enforcing  proper hand washing and cough/sneeze etiquette practices at work 
  • Enhancing/deepening cleaning and sanitizing procedures 
  • Restricting team members from participating in non-essential meetings or functions
  • Reinforcing socially responsible sick leave policies and requiring team members to stay home if sick
  • Implementing strict protocols for reporting illness, self-isolation and/or self-quarantine

When you place your order with Calia, you may experience a slightly longer than normal fulfillment time, or you may notice that your favorite size is out of stock. We are working hard with all of the key players in our supply chain to minimize out of stock items, however, given the unprecedented circumstances, some instances may be unavoidable. We are also relying on the services of our third-party carriers to deliver your packages safely, and any disruptions in their business could affect our delivery times. 

We are following the recommendations made by the Government of Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, provincial governments and health authorities, as well as local municipalities. We feel deeply for those who have been impacted by this pandemic. 

We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding, and we encourage everyone in our community to stay safe, and stay home if you can. 

Yours naturally, 

Randy Cunningham
President and Founder of Calia Natural 

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