Labeling Error - Notice to Customers

Dear Valued Calia Customers, 

It has come to our attention that a recent batch of labeled hair care products shipped out with an incorrect expiry date on them. 

This was due to an error on the dating stamp when labeling the bottles. Rest assured your products are not expired! This has recently come to our attention and it is important to us that any potential concerns about the freshness of our products are alleviated. 

Any bottles bearing an expiry date of August 2015, are good to August of 2018! This is a testament to how fresh our hair care products really are. If you recently purchased any of these mislabeled items, the best before date as marked is actually the date of manufacture. The Calia lines affected were select bottles of Balancing and Hydrating products. 

Please feel safe in knowing you have purchased the freshest and most integral products we can offer - we apologize for any confusion. 

Many thanks as always for your loyal support! 

Yours naturally, 

Randy & Team 

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