New! Calia in Review!

Just used Calia for the first, fifth or hundredth time? Share your experience with us! 

We love to hear from you, our amazing customers, about the incredible results you get from using our super natural hair and skin care products!

Read on for Ashley's results here: 

"I generally don't write reviews, and I've always wondered about those people who say how something has changed their life...I would go so far as to refer to myself as a skeptic.

Well, life changed after just one use of Calia's hair and body products!

Before this, I generally believed that more is better, the more expensive the better, and the more complex the better. Basically, I was leading a natural life in an unnatural way. You see, Calia's genius is that they use ingredients that are clean and simple, yet they are SO concentrated and create a symphony of true restoration to hair.

I've been told much of my life that my naturally dry, coarse curly hair was not intended to be soft and manageable, but with Calia, I have a new perspective on how to maintain healthy hair because it really feels nourished!

A bonus is that what works for me also works for my children. After the first use of the Kid's body wash and shampoo, my eldest's child's eczema was soothed and her skin was incredibly smooth and hydrated. This changed her life...she slept better that night instead of waking from itching. I can't imagine using any other cleanser on my children from now on!

I truly believe in this brand and I'm so grateful for the customer service that I've received. So professional, honest, and equally personable. I respect their values and their desire to transform lives, by enlightening and providing high quality products for the health of hair and skin.

I look forward to trying many more of their products! Customer for life!


Ashley Bordenave Aranmolate"

We love the community that has come together and we can't thank you all enough for your wonderful feedback! For a chance to be featured, share your own story with us, by emailing us at

Shop the entire store here.

Yours Naturally, 

Randy & Team Calia

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